
  • Corporate;
  • Mergers and Acquisitions;
  • Legal Auditing;
  • Agreements signed for domestic and foreign transactions;
  • Organization and Restructuring of Family Concerns;
  • Corporate Succession Preparation;
  • Insurance and Reinsurance;
  • Health Insurance;
  • Agribusiness;
  • Compliance;
  • Business Representation and Distribution.



  • The office has great technical and practical knowledge and attention to the client is excellent, say the sources.
    Chambers Latin America
  • Camila Araújo leads a remarkable team that regularly represents its clients in processes, tenders and Public and Private Partnerships (PPP’s)
    Latin Lawyer 250
  • Camila Araújo is described as a great lawyer, being praised for her knowledge and ethical work, done tirelessly
    Latin Lawyer 250
  • Main contact, Camila Araújo is considered a refined specialist, with excellent skills in the sector.
    The Legal Latin América
  • Camila Araújo is a great lawyer and has a lot of experience in corporate or consulting matters, says a European client.
    Latin Lawyer 250