Barbara Santos


Artigo | Revista de Defesa da Concorrência

Veja o artigo "Uma análise da (in)compatibilidade entre o exercício do leverage regulatório e a atuação do CADE na defesa da concorrência no Brasil", da advogada Carolina Trevizo, da área Concorrencial de AP.

Aula | Data Privacy Programa de Actualización en Derecho y Tecnología

Nossa sócia, Ana Lúcia Pinke Paiva, foi convidada pelo professor Agustín Allende a dar uma aula do MÓDULO - DATA PRIVACY Programa de Actualización en Derecho y Tecnología sobre a LGPD.

New Partner | Isabela Xavier

Isabela has over 20 years of experience in the corporate, international contracts, civil consulting, and administrative law.

Isabela Fernandes Ciriano


Isabela Martins Xavier


Análise Advocacia – 2023

Ana Lúcia Pinke Ribeiro de Paiva was once again recognized in the ranking Análise Advocacia 2022.

Ivan Luvisotto Alexandre


Provisional Measure n. 1171/23 modifies the taxation of foreign investments of individuals that reside, for tax purposes, in Brazil

On April 30th, 2023 the Provisory Act N. 1,117/23 (“MP 1171/23”) was issued, and besides the modification of the amounts of the monthly table of the Income Tax of Individuals (“IRPF”).

Evento | Medical Cannabis Fair

Araújo e Policastro Advogados successfully held, on November 22, the Breakfast “Labor Reform and Business Solutions”