Barbara Santos


Course – “IAG Master in Managerial Development”

The lecture was given by Maria Aparecida Seabra Fagundes, partner of Araújo e Policastro.

Medical error and its Legal Consequences

The book interests especially victims of medical error, doctors, students of medicine, plain professionals of health, clinics, public and particular hospitals, medical insurance, laboratories and pharmacies.

July/2010 | Read on AP International Newsletter 4 the Brazilian Chapter of Getting the Deal Through – Corporate Governance 2010

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June/2010 | Read on AP International Newsletter 3 the Brazilian Chapter of Getting the Deal Through – Electricity Regulation 2010

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6th International Right to Energy Conference

One of the lectures at the event was Maria Aparecida Sebra Fagundes, partner of Araújo e Policastro Advogados.

May/2010 | Tax & International Trade | Importation in Brazil: modalities and characteristics.

Read on AP International Newsletter 2 (+)  

Tax benefits applicable to Infrastructure Projects | São Paulo

Araújo e Policastro held on May 11 2010, at his office, a breakfast followed by the presentation of the lecture "Tax benefits applicable to Infrastructure Projects".

Who’s Who Legal – 2010

Founding partners are referred to in British publication that identifies renowned attorneys in their areas of practice. The attorneys Theodoro Araújo and Décio Policastro  were  highlighted […]

New perspectives and approaches to the processes of importation and distribution in Brazil

It was held in our office, on April 13 2010, a breakfast with the theme "New perspectives and approaches to the processes of importation and distribution in Brazil"