Barbara Santos


Análise Advocacia Mulher – 2023

Ana Lúcia Pinke Ribeiro de Paiva was once again recognized as one of the most admired female lawyers in Brazil in the Análise Advocacia Mulher,

Leaders League – 2023

Araújo e Policastro has been named the “Leading Firm” for “Cartel Damage Claims” in the annual ranking published by Leaders League.

Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad 2023

The Deadline for the Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad ends on April 5th, 2023 (base date of December 31st, 2022).

Laísa Fonseca Salomão

Instituído o Regulamento de Dosimetria e Aplicação de Sanções por descumprimentos à LGPD

Implemented the Regulation on Dosimetry and Enforcement of Penalties for non-compliance with LGPD

More than 2 years and a half after the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”) came into force, the National Data Protection Agency (“ANPD”) regulated the criteria for penalties triggered by the non-compliance with the law.

João Otávio Dias de Freitas Mancini Coelho


Best Lawyers Brazil – 2023

Best Lawyers has named several partners of Araújo e Policastro Advogados as leading practitioners in their fields of expertise in Brazil.

Análise Advocacia – 2022

Ana Lúcia Pinke Ribeiro de Paiva was once again recognized in the ranking Análise Advocacia 2022.

Congresso Nacional das Sociedades de Advogados

Araújo e Policastro Advogados successfully held, on November 22, the Breakfast “Labor Reform and Business Solutions”