Barbara Santos


Leaders League – 2022

Araújo e Policastro has been named the “Leading Firm” for “Cartel Damage Claims” in the annual ranking published by Leaders League.

Economic-Financial Statement of Brazilian Entities that have received Direct Foreign Investment

Starts today the term for individuals or legal entities residing, domiciled, or that are headquartered in Brazil to present to the Brazilian Central Bank the declaration of assets and funds held overseas.

Start of the Term of the Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad

Starts today the term for individuals or legal entities residing, domiciled, or that are headquartered in Brazil to present to the Brazilian Central Bank the declaration of assets and funds held overseas.

Leaders League | Brazil’s Best Counsel 2022

Antitrust & Competition partner Bruno Lanna Peixoto and associate Carolina Trevizo are the authors of the Cartel Damage Claims chapter.

Best Lawyers Brazil – 2022

Best Lawyers has named several partners of Araújo e Policastro Advogados as leading practitioners in their fields of expertise in Brazil.


Araújo e Policastro Advogados has once again been ranked in the Tax Law - Advisory practice area by Leaders League.

Giovanna Molinaro Ferrão


LGPD: Aprovado pela ANPD o Regulamento do Processo de Fiscalização e do Processo Administrativo

Merece atenção no projeto original de reforma tributária a intenção do governo de pôr fim à faculdade da pessoa jurídica de promover a devolução de capital aos sócios pelo valor contábil de bens ou direitos, em detrimento de seu valor de mercado.

Leaders League 2022

Araújo e Policastro Advogados has once again been ranked in the Tax Law - Advisory practice area by Leaders League.