

Reuniões ou Assembleias Anuais de Sócios das Sociedades Limitadas

Annual Quotaholders’ Meetings or assemblies of limited liability companies (sociedades limitadas)

Every year, the quotaholders of limited liability companies shall hold the annual quotaholders’ meetings or assemblies, according to article 1,078 of Law no. 10,406/2002 (Brazilian Civil Code).
Reforma Trabalhista e Medida Provisória 808/2017

Labor Reform effectiveness and the Provisional Measure 808/2017

It was promulgated the Provisional Measure 808/2017, which amended 17 articles of labor reform.

Questão de Justiça TV Program | Interview with Décio Policastro

Lawyer Décio Policastro, a partner at Araújo e Policastro Advogados, interviewed the Question of Justice Program.

Questão de Justiça TV Program | Interview with Décio Policastro

The lawyer Décio Policastro, a partner at Araújo e Policastro Advogados, granted, on March 27, 2017, an interview on the Ququestion of Justice Program, on TV Justiça

Medical Error – Rádio Justiça (STJ)

Listen to the participation of lawyer Décio Policastro in the series of programs “Medical Error - what if it happens to me?” of Rádio Justiça do STJ.

Lawyer highlights changes to the new CPC related to the labor process

Until the new CPC arrives, the legal community is studying the changes that the compendium will bring to the procedural rite.

Brazilian Labor and Employment Retrospective

Find out about Brazilian labor and employment matters, which suffered changes in the legislation during 2014, and may impact your day-by-day activities.

Taxation in the consortium of companies

The article was published on December-January edition of 2014 of Revista de Direito Empresarial (ReDE).

Justice Radio | The importance of Justice on citizen’s daily lives.

The lawyer Luiz Carlos Venturi, partner of Araújo e Policastro, was one of the interviewees.