

Brumadinho: Uma Análise das Potenciais Indenizações Cabíveis sob o Enfoque Trabalhista

Brumadinho: An Analysis Of Potential Indemnities Under The Labor Perspective

The rupture of the Córrego do Feijão Mine’s dam, in Brumadinho, brought to light several legal discussions, among them, the matter related to labor compensations due to the families of the victims and the surviving employees. In this article, we address potential indemnities in the light of the current labor legislation recently amended by the Reform


Individuals and legal entities residing, domiciled or with headquarters in Brazil must present to the Central Bank of Brazil a declaration of assets and funds held overseas until April 5, 2019 (6:00 PM).
Declaração Econômico-Financeira e Gestão do Quadro Societário de Sociedades Brasileiras Receptoras de Investimento Estrangeiro

Economic-Financial Statement and Management of Ownership Structure Registration of Brazilian Entities That Have Received Direct Foreign Investment

Brazilian companies that have received foreign direct investment shall provide to the Brazilian Central Bank information about net asset and paid in corporate capital.
O fim da controvérsia sobre a contribuição sindical

The end of the labor union contribution controversy

Provisional Measure 873/2019 puts an end to the impasse on the union contribution and now goes to vote in the two Houses of the National Congress.
Editada nova regulamentação sobre o CNPJ e beneficiário final

Brazilian Federal Revenue enacts new regulation over Corporate Taxpayers Enrollment and ultimate beneficial owner (UBO)

Normative Ruling 1.863/18 (“IN 1.863/18”) was published, establishing new rules and procedures relating to the Corporate Taxpayers Enrollment (“CNPJ”).
14.08.2018 Das Formas Alternativas de Solução de Conflitos Trabalhistas (ou da Não Judicialização dos Conflitos)

Alternative Forms of Settlement of Labor Disputes (or Non-Judicialization of Conflicts)

Upon the enactment of Law No. 13.467 / 2017 ("Labor Reform"), two new institutes were created: the Annual Discharge Term and the Ratification of the Out-of-Court Agreement.
STF mantém fim da obrigatoriedade de recolhimento da contribuição sindical

Brazilian Supreme Court maintains the end of compulsory employees’ union contributions

In a decision rendered on June 29, the Federal Supreme Court endorsed the end of the compulsory character of the union contributions, in the exact terms established by the Labor Reform.
Reforma-Trabalhista - Araújo e Policastro

Legal insecurity in the application of Brazilian Labor Reform

Since the beginning of the Labor Reform (Law no. 13467/17), there has been a great deal of instability and legal uncertainty regarding its practical application in […]
End of the term of effectiveness of the Provisional Measure 808/17

End of the term of effectiveness of the Provisional Measure 808/17

Provisional Measure 808/2017 was issued to clarify/regulate several points of Law 13467 / 2017, which governs the Labor Reform.