

Análise Advocacia Regional – 2022

AP was elected as one of the Most Admired law firms in the Southeast Region of Brazil in the full service category by Ranking Análise Advocacia Regional.

Araújo e Policastro has been certified once again as an “Excellent Place to Work” by Great Place to Work

Araújo e Policastro law firm has been certified once again as an “Excellent Place to Work” by Great Place to Work Brasil entity.

LGPD: Aprovado pela ANPD o Regulamento do Processo de Fiscalização e do Processo Administrativo

Merece atenção no projeto original de reforma tributária a intenção do governo de pôr fim à faculdade da pessoa jurídica de promover a devolução de capital aos sócios pelo valor contábil de bens ou direitos, em detrimento de seu valor de mercado.

The Legal 500 Latin America – 2022

Araújo e Policastro Advogados has once again been recognized by 2021 edition of The Legal 500 Latin America as one of the leading law firms in Latin America.

World Tax 2022

Recognized by the World Tax Guide, 2022 Edition, as one of the world's leading tax firms.

Ranking Análise Advocacia Regional

Araújo e Policastro is one of the Most Admired law firms in the Southeast Region of Brazil.

Araújo e Policastro has been certified as an “Excellent Place to Work” by Great Place to Work


Economic-Financial Statement of Brazilian Entities that have received Direct Foreign Investment

As pessoas físicas ou jurídicas residentes, domiciliadas ou com sede no Brasil devem prestar ao Banco Central do Brasil declaração de bens e valores que possuírem fora do território nacional.

Análise Advocacia Mulher

Camila Araújo was recognized as one of the most admired female lawyers in Brazil in the Análise Advocacia Mulher.