
Bidding delay causes City Hall to not guarantee vehicular inspection in 2014

Expert points out that the lack of the measure worsens air quality.

Latin Lawyer

It was published an article on Latin Lawyer online about the admission of its new partner Ana Lúcia Pinke Ribeiro de Paiva

Araújo and Policastro admits new Partner

Ana Lúcia Pinke will coordinate the labor area of Araújo e Policastro Advogados, where she will help to expand the segment. This purpose is part of a broader strategy, which aims to reinforce full service.

Labor | Area strengthened with new partner

The firm announces the addition of a new partner, Ana Lúcia Pinke Ribeiro de Paiva, who will coordinate its Labor practice area.

Latin Lawyer

It was published an article about the admission of its new partner Jorge Henrique Zaninetti.

Tax | Area strengthened with new partner

Zaninetti has extensive experience in consulting and tax litigation, acquired through more than 20 years of practice.

Araújo e Policastro is highlighted in the most renowned international publications

Araújo e Policastro has recently received three significant distinctions by the most renowned international publications.

Code of Ethics and Professional Medical Procedure and its Application – 2nd Edition

The book was written by Décio Policastro, partner of Araújo e Policastro Advogados.

3rd Employment Fair of Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas

On March 25, Araújo e Policastro attended the 3rd Employment Fair of Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU.