
Five-Year Census of Foreign Capital in Brazil (2021)

It will expire on August 16*, 2021 (6 p.m.) the deadline for the presentation of the five-year statement of the Census of Foreign Capital in Brazil, related to the base-year 2020.

The importance of the annual approval of accounts for corporations and non-profit entities

At the end of each fiscal year, the partners/shareholders/associates of the companies, associations and foundations must meet to discuss the annual approval of accounts.

Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad

Individuals and legal entities residing, domiciled, or that are headquartered in Brazil (including foreigners, according to the applicable criteria of the tax legislation) must present to […]

Brazilian LGPD will come into force: Is your company prepared?

Federal Senate approves the conversion of Provisional Measure No. 936/2020 into law.

Federal Senate converts Provisional Measure No. 936, with modifications, into law

Federal Senate approves the conversion of Provisional Measure No. 936/2020 into law.

São Paulo City Hall publishes Decree with ruling flexibility to some economic activities

The text of Municipal Decree No. 59,473/2020, which contains the rules for the gradual resumption of economic activities in the city of São Paulo, was released.

Provisional Measure is in effect 936/2020

Through an act published in the Federal Official Gazette today (05/28/2020), Senator Davi Alcolumbre, President of the National Congress Board

Anticipation of municipal and state holidays in São Paulo from a labor perspective

According to the text approved by the City Council of the city of São Paulo, the holidays of Corpus Christi (June 11)

Disciplined virtual service at RFB and installment payment term of Simples Nacional

In order to provide greater convenience to taxpayers who need the services provided at the Federal Revenue Service Centers