STF mantém fim da obrigatoriedade de recolhimento da contribuição sindical

Brazilian Supreme Court maintains the end of compulsory employees’ union contributions

In a decision rendered on June 29, the Federal Supreme Court endorsed the end of the compulsory character of the union contributions, in the exact terms established by the Labor Reform.
Reforma-Trabalhista - Araújo e Policastro

Legal insecurity in the application of Brazilian Labor Reform

Since the beginning of the Labor Reform (Law no. 13467/17), there has been a great deal of instability and legal uncertainty regarding its practical application in […]
End of the term of effectiveness of the Provisional Measure 808/17

End of the term of effectiveness of the Provisional Measure 808/17

Provisional Measure 808/2017 was issued to clarify/regulate several points of Law 13467 / 2017, which governs the Labor Reform.
Reuniões ou Assembleias Anuais de Sócios das Sociedades Limitadas

Annual Quotaholders’ Meetings or assemblies of limited liability companies (sociedades limitadas)

Every year, the quotaholders of limited liability companies shall hold the annual quotaholders’ meetings or assemblies, according to article 1,078 of Law no. 10,406/2002 (Brazilian Civil Code).
Reforma Trabalhista e Medida Provisória 808/2017

Labor Reform effectiveness and the Provisional Measure 808/2017

It was promulgated the Provisional Measure 808/2017, which amended 17 articles of labor reform.

Brazilian Labor and Employment Retrospective

Find out about Brazilian labor and employment matters, which suffered changes in the legislation during 2014, and may impact your day-by-day activities.

Essentials of Merger Review

It has just been published in the United States the book Essentials of Merger Review, which deals with the competitive analysis of mergers and acquisitions in 62 different jurisdictions.

The Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law

The article was written by Marcelo Barradas, partner from Araújo e Policastro Advogados.

The new Brazilian Anticorruption Law vis-à-vis the FCPA

The new Brazilian Anticorruption Law vis-à-vis the FCPA was written by Araújo e Policastro Advogados and Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP