
Governo edita Medida Provisória 959/2020, que trata, dentre outros assuntos, da prorrogação da entrada em vigor da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados

Government issues Provisional Measure 959/2020, which among other matters, extends the entry into force of the General Data Protection Law

End of the mystery: Government extends the entry into force of the LGPD to 2021.

Federal Supreme Court suspends the effectiveness of two points of Provisional Measure 927/2020

In session concluded yesterday, the full court of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) suspended the effectiveness of two articles of Provisional Measure No. 927/2020.

Government revokes the Provisional Measure known as “Labor Minirreform” and will edit new text

Government revokes the text of Provisional Measure No. 905/2019 (“labor minirreform”) and intends to present a new text.

Supreme Federal Court (STF) overturns Lewandowski’s decision on the need to have unions’ ratification on individual agreements on reduction of working hours

STF overturns Minister Lewandowski's decision and allows individual agreements to reduce working hours and wages without Unions’ authorization.

Normative Instruction that provides for participation and remote voting in meetings and assemblies of closed, limited and cooperative corporations has been published

On April 15, 2020, a Normative Instruction No. 79 from the National Department of Business Registration and Integration (“IN 79”) was published, which regulates the participation […]

Ordinances have been published regulating the transaction for the collection of the Union’s active debt

The aforementioned Ordinance is intended to regulate the transaction of debts registered in the Federal Government's active debt and provides as modalities
covid_cancellation of services in the sectors of tourism and culture

Government edits new Provisional Measure that provides for the cancellation of services in the sectors of tourism and culture due to the state of public calamity

Government edits Provisional Measure No. 938, of April 8, 2020, which provides that, if certain requirements are met, companies will not be required to reimburse consumers for services in the tourism and culture sectors canceled due to the coronavirus

Extension of the deadline for payment of CPRB and FUNRURAL

Extension of the deadline for payment of employers' social security contributions also extended to the payments of CPRB and FUNRURAL.

Published decree providing for the payment of emergency aid for workers

New Decree issued by the Government brings the rules for payment of emergency aid for workers, in the monthly amount of R $ 600.00