Conferences and Seminars


Conference “Grow or Sell: Private Companies at the Crossroads”

Camila Araújo, partner in Araújo e Policastro Advogados, attended the event.

8th Uqbar´s Academy of Securitization

The Academy had as special guest, Daniel Lopes Monteiro, partner of Banking and Capital Markets area of Araújo e Policastro Advogados as one of the speakers at the event.

VII National Essay Contest of CESA | Presentation of Awards

The theme was “The importance of new technologies for the practice of law”.

18º International Seminar on Competition Policy

Bruno L. Peixoto, partner of Araújo e Policastro, was part of the event that had the participation of national and international experts on Competition Policy.

ABA Section of International Law 2012 Fall Meeting

Bruno L. Peixoto, partner of Araújo e Policastro, was a speaker at the conference on October 16th.

4th Annual Competition Litigation

Bruno L. Peixoto, partner of Araujo e Policastro, participated in the conference.