ana lucia pinke

STF mantém fim da obrigatoriedade de recolhimento da contribuição sindical

Brazilian Supreme Court maintains the end of compulsory employees’ union contributions

In a decision rendered on June 29, the Federal Supreme Court endorsed the end of the compulsory character of the union contributions, in the exact terms established by the Labor Reform.
Reforma-Trabalhista - Araújo e Policastro

Legal insecurity in the application of Brazilian Labor Reform

Since the beginning of the Labor Reform (Law no. 13467/17), there has been a great deal of instability and legal uncertainty regarding its practical application in […]
End of the term of effectiveness of the Provisional Measure 808/17

End of the term of effectiveness of the Provisional Measure 808/17

Provisional Measure 808/2017 was issued to clarify/regulate several points of Law 13467 / 2017, which governs the Labor Reform.