Direito Tributário


Projeto de Lei nº 2.384/2023, que altera o contencioso administrativo e cobrança de créditos tributários federais, aguarda sanção pelo Presidente da República

Senado Federal aprova o retorno do voto de qualidade a favor do Fisco em caso de empate nos julgamentos realizados pelo CARF, mas prevê contrapartidas como exclusão de multas, juros e encargos.

Perspectives and Opportunities in the Brazilian Oil and Gas Sector

Investments in the oil and gas sector in Brazil continue to offer many opportunities, both for companies within the sector and for all companies that support this industry.

Provisional Measure n. 1171/23 modifies the taxation of foreign investments of individuals that reside, for tax purposes, in Brazil

On April 30th, 2023 the Provisory Act N. 1,117/23 (“MP 1171/23”) was issued, and besides the modification of the amounts of the monthly table of the Income Tax of Individuals (“IRPF”).

Annual Quotaholders’ Meetings or Assemblies of Limited Liability Companies (Sociedades Limitadas)

Every year, the quotaholders of limited liability companies shall hold quotaholders’ meetings/assemblies to deliberate about the accounts of the officers, the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement.